Coloplast How to Use
Managing Male Incontinence
Medisa provides qualified medical equipment to improve the lives of all who need access to healthcare products and make them happier. Therefore, we choose Coloplast Urinary Sheath Condom Catheter and Leg Bag that offers a wide selection of products to meet the different needs of our customers. Coloplast urinary catheter is a flexible tube used to empty the bladder and collect urine in a drainage bag. Most indwelling catheters are not suitable to remain in place for longer than 3 months, so will need to be changed regularly. Furthermore, the Coloplast leg bag is designed to attach to the user's leg using the elastic straps, collecting the urine straight from the male condom catheter. Depending on the type of Coloplast catheter you have and why it's being used, the catheter may be removed after a few minutes, hours or days, or it may be needed for long term use. Explore the different Coloplast urological supplies available on medisa.com.au and see which one suits you best.
How to apply a urisheath
- How to apply a leg bag
- How to apply a small leg bag
- How to apply a bedside drainage bag
How To Apply A Urisheath
This film will introduce you to the use of a Conveen Urinary collecting system. Normally, our urine is collected in the bladder and emptied by a mechanism that allows us to be Continent in most situations. Sometimes this mechanism is disturbed and urine passes through involuntarily, which results in incontinence.
In this film, you will learn step-by-step how to use a urinary collecting system. It is simple to use and will require some practice. To ensure a comfortable and secure fit, It is very important to get the correct size of the Sheath, use the measuring guide. The shaft of the penis should be measured at the widest part. If the size of the penis is measured to be between two sizes of Urisheaths, the small urisheath should be selected. Choosing too large sheaths can lead to leakage.
Once you have found the correct size, you need to choose the length of the Sheath. The standard length is suitable for most men. But men with a retracted penis may require the shorter length. This Urisheath should be long enough to extend to the base of the penis. You may need to have more than one size and length for different situations. E.g. day and night.
Start by washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Make sure you have all the items you will need before you start. You will need a urisheath of the appropriate size, a urine bag, scissors, you will need intimate wipes or soap with neutral PH value and water to clean your penis. To stop hair from sticking or tangling on the Urisheath, you need to trim your public hair with a round tip scissor, trim the hair away from the base of the penis. Do not shave, as the regrowth of hair may cause irritation.
Wash your penis carefully and make sure it is dried afterward. The use of creams and powders should be avoided as they could stop the adhesive from working efficiently. Open the convene optima pack and remove the urisheath.
Leave the foreskin in place over the head of the penis if you are not circumcised. Now place the urisheath over the tip of the penis. Leave a small gap between the tip of the penis and the narrow outer tube to allow the free flow of urine. Holding the Urisheath in place with one hand, use the other to slowly pull the loop of the strip towards yourself. Unroll the Urisheath completely. Gently squeeze the unrolled urisheath around the shaft of the penis to ensure a secure fix. Conveen optima comes with the adhesive already on it, so no additional adhesive is needed. The Urisheath is now in place. You need to change the Urisheath every day. The interval between each change should not exceed 24 hours to ensure good hygiene and minimize the risk of urinary tract Infections.
Detach the Urisheath from the urine bag connector. Carefully roll the urisheath off the penis. Warm water can be used to help soften the adhesive and release the sheath if necessary. The Urisheath and packaging can be disposed of in your household rubbish. Do not flush it down the toilet. Change the bag according to your healthcare professional’s recommendations.The instruction provided in this film is intended as follow-up to the advice you have already been given by your healthcare professional.
Recommended Product

Conveen Optima Urisheath Standard
Conveen Optima is Coloplast’s award-winning urisheath for men with urinary incontinence. Discreet, reliable and very easy to use, Conveen is the preferred incontinence solution by men.The double-grip strip ensures easy and smooth roll-out for a secure fit – even for nurses wearing gloves.
How To Apply A Leg Bag
This film will show you how to use the Conveen Security + Leg Bag. When the Conveen Security + Leg Bag is connected with Urisheath or Catheter, it forms a urinary collecting system which is a reliable and secure solution to urinary incontinence.
Start by washing your hands. The Conveen Security + Leg Bag is available with different tube length so you can place the bag where you want to on your leg. If the connector is not pre-attached to the tube, you can shorten the tube to your preferred length. Simply cut the tube with scissors at any of the straight sections of tubing. When cutting, leave as much of the straight section as possible in place. This will ensure a secure connection between tube and connector when mounting the connector.
Attach the connector to the tube by pushing the thin end of the connector into the tube as far as possible. Close the outlet tab by pushing the clamp lid upwards until you feel it click into the place. As you close the outlet tab, check that there is a little bit of air inside the bag as this ensures the free flow of urine into the bag.
Start by washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Make sure you have all the items you will need before you start. You will need a urisheath of the appropriate size, a urine bag, scissors, you will need intimate wipes or soap with neutral PH value and water to clean your penis. To stop hair from sticking or tangling on the Urisheath, you need to trim your public hair with a round tip scissor, trim the hair away from the base of the penis. Do not shave as the regrowth of hair may cause irritation.
Attached the straps to the bag. Use the wide strap at the top of the bag. Fasten the buttons in slits on top and bottom of the bag. Fit the bag securely to your leg using the straps and adjust the straps for a comfortable fit. Do not over tighten the straps as this could impair circulation. Any certain straps may be trimmed off. If the connector has a protective cap, remove it.
Attach the connector securely to the Urisheaths or Catheter. The urinary collecting system is not functional. Empty the bag when it is a little over half full to ensure effective drainage. You may find it easier if you unbutton or remove the button leg straps before emptying the bag into the toilet or another suitable place. Remember to close the outlet tap after emptying the bag. When the bag is empty, clean the outlet by wiping with the toilet paper and always remember to close the tab afterwards or you will have leakages.
Change the bag according to recommendations by your healthcare professional. To change the bag, first empty the bag. Then disconnect the bag from the Urisheath or Catheter by gently twisting the connector out of the Urisheath or Catheter outlet. Remove the Conveen Leg Bag straps. Both bags and packaging may be disposed of in household rubbish.
The Conveen straps may be reused. The Conveen Security + Leg Bag is a single used product and it is not designed to be cleaned, disinfected or sterilized. Finish by washing your hands. The instruction provided in this film is intended as follow-up to the advice you have already been given by your healthcare professional.
Recommended Product
How To Apply A Small Leg Bag
This film will show you how to use the Conveen Active Leg Bag. When the Leg Bag is connected with the Urisheath, it forms a urinary collecting system which is a reliable and secure solution to urinary incontinence.
Start by washing your hands. Conveen Active bag is designed for light to medium level of incontinence. The bag is for day time use and has a capacity of two hundred and fifty milliliters. Unpack and Unfold the urine bag. The length of the tube may be shortened by fifty percent if preferred. To shorten the tube simply cut the free end with scissors immediately after the first corrugated section of tubing . It is important to retain as much of the smooth sections as possible. This will help create a secure connection between Leg Bag and tube when mounting the tube.
Connect the tube with the end of the valve at the top of the bag. Close the outlet tap. Remove the protective firm from the adhesive patches on the back side of the Bag. The Bag is designed to be worn on the right thigh but it can also be used on the left thigh. Hold the bag with the end of the connected point upwards and the outlet tap pointed downwards. Attach the bag directly to the skin of your inner right thigh. Rap the long section of strap around your leg and use the bear fabric to fasten the strap. The fit should be comfortable and firm. Not too tight. You may need to reposition the bag a few times to discover the best position for you.
For comfortable wear and discretion, hide the outlet tap by folding it upwards and tucking it into the pocket between the bag and the outer elastic layer. You connect the Bag to the Urisheaths by pushing the bags in the connecting firmly into the Urisheath outlet . Make sure it is connected firmly to avoid leakage.
A full bladder contains approximately 3 to 4 hundred milliliters of urine. Conveen Active Bag is designed for light to medium levels of incontinence so when you need to empty a full bladder you have two options. You may open the Bags out the tap and urinate through the full system or you may disconnect the Bag from the Urisheath and urinate for the Urisheath directly into the toilet. The Leg Bag should be emptied before it becomes completely full.
To empty the Leg Bag untuck the outlet tap and position it over the toilet bowl or other suitable receptacle. Grasp the outlet with one hand. Squeeze the flexible part between your fingers. With the other hand, open the tap. Gradually release your pressure on the flexible part of the outlet tap to allow the urine to flow . When the bag is empty, clean the outlet by wiping with toilet paper and always remember to close the tap afterwards or you will have leakages. Return the tap to the pocket under the elastic strap material.
To change the bag, first empty the bag then disconnect the bag from the Urisheath by gently twisting the connector out of the Urisheath outlet. Both the Bag and the packaging may be disposed of in household rubbish. Change the bag according to recommendations by your healthcare professionals. Finish by washing your hands. The instruction provided in this film is intended as follow-up to the advice you have already been given by your healthcare professional.
Recommended Product

Conveen Active Leg Bag
The collection bag is integrated in a comfortable elastic band that wraps around the thigh for ease of use, mobility and discretion. Conveen Active is our most discreet leg bag, designed to give you the confidence to be and stay active. Conveen Active is a small, discreet bag that is invisible to others, even when worn under short clothing. It incorporates a wide, elastic strap with burr tape closure for secure and comfortable placement on your thigh. It has an adjustable tube for personal fit
How To Apply A Bedside Drainage Bag
This film will show you how to use the Moveen night bag. It can be attached directly to Urisheath or catheter or can be connected to a leg bag for extra drainage capacity during the night. Using a Moving Night Bag provides a reliable and secure bedside solution to urinary incontinence.
Start by washing your hands. If the tube is not pre attached to the bag you can shorten the tube to your preferred length. Simply cut the tube with scissors at any of the straight section tubing. When cutting leave as much of the straight section as possible in place. This will ensure the secure connection between the Night Bag and tube when mounting the tube.
Attach the cut end of the tube to the connection of the Night Bag. Push the tube firmly into the inlet, So that the tube is now connected to the Night Bag. Use the Conveen Bag hanger to spend the Night Bag. Fit the bag securely on the hanger by the hanger slits at the top of the bag. Hook the Bag hanger on to the bed. To ensure ultimate drainage it is important that the Night Bag is positioned lower than yourself when you are lying in bed. If the connector has a protective cap, remove it. Attach the connector securely to the urisheath or catheter. You may also connect the Night Bag and Leg Bag for high capacity to overnight drainage.
Attach the Night Bag connector securely to the Leg Bag outlet tap. Open the Leg Bag outlet tap. When in bed, loosen the straps of the Leg Bag for greater comfort. The urinary collecting system is now functional.
In the morning disconnect the Night Bag from Urisheath or Catheter by gently twisting the connector out of Urisheath or catheter outlet. If your Night Bag is linked to your Leg Bag, close the Leg Bag outlet tap. Then disconnect the Night Bag by gently twisting the connector of the Leg bag outlet tap.
Avoid touching the open end of the Leg Bag outlet tap. It is recommended to empty the Night Bag when it is a little over half full. This will prevent air pressure build up inside the Bag which could cause problems with drainage. Empty the Bag into the toilet or another suitable place.
Open the outlet tap by gently pushing the tap on downwards until you feel resistance. Then press the tap arm sideways into the barrow to allow the urine to start to flow. Remember to close the outlet tap after emptying the bag. Return the tap arm to its upright position by pushing it upwards. Change the bag according to the recommendations by your healthcare professional. Both the bag and the packaging can be disposed of in household rubbish. Note that the Moveen Night bag is a single used product and is not designed to be cleaned, disinfected, or sterilized.
The instruction provided in this film is intended as follow-up to the advice you have already been given by your healthcare professional.