First Aid

First Aid

First Aid

First Aid is a crucial category that includes a wide range of products designed to provide immediate care for injuries and illnesses. From bandages to disinfectants, the products in this category aim to promote healing and prevent infection.

One essential product in the First Aid category is the Universal Scissors, also known as Trauma Shears, which are designed to quickly cut through clothing and bandages in emergency situations. Vinyl Examination Gloves provide protection against contamination while treating wounds, and Gauze Swabs made from 100 percent cotton are ideal for cleaning and covering injuries.

For skincare, Soft White Petroleum Jelly and Ultra Soothe Aloe Vera Gel soothe and moisturize the skin, while Antibacterial Hand and All-Purpose Sanitizing Gel help to eliminate germs and bacteria. Cotton Balls and Cotton Balls with Natural Fibres are essential for applying ointments and cleaning wounds gently.

Additionally, products like Hot and Cold Packs provide relief from swelling and pain, while Wrap Barrier Film creates a sterile barrier for equipment and surfaces. Sterile Gauze Swabs and Refectocil Eyelash and Eyebrow Tint are crucial for medical procedures and treatments.

In a medical setting or at home, having a well-stocked First Aid kit with products from this category can make all the difference in providing immediate and effective care in emergency situations. Whether it's a minor cut or a more serious injury, these products are essential for ensuring proper wound care and promoting healing.